Gate Frame
Extra strength is gained from the 25mm hot rolled channel pickets interconnected by 30 x l0mm solid steel lattice bars. The gate frame is top hung from free running ball bearing pulleys connected to the pickets with zinc plated bottom guide pieces fitted at the base to run in the bottom track.
Leading Edge
The high security leading edge is fabricated from steel plate and channels into a rigid box section, into which a safety edge is fitted to stop the door should it meet an obstruction.

Shutter Leaves
305mm wide x 1.2mm or 1.5mm thick galvanised steel, the leaves are formed in a unique detail around 3mm diameter strengthening wire to provide a continuous interlocking weather tight installation completed by securely capped galvanised steel hinge strips.
Top Track
The 229mm deep fabricated top track incorporates two round edge runner rails ensuring smooth running of the pulleys. The motor gearbox, tensioner and adjustable limits are surface mounted for ease of access whilst the drive chain is totally enclosed to provide direct in-line transmission.
Bottom Track
Type B24 fabricated from double 51mm x 25mm hot rolled steel channels which finish flush with the floor.
Cover Plate
A galvanised steel cover plate is bolted to the top track to act as a flashing over the shutter leaves.
End Panels
Galvanised steel end panels can be provided to act as a vertical closure when the doors fit behind the opening.
All shutters are provided with the appropriate fixing bolts for attachment to the opening structure.
Shutter Arrangements
The doors can be supplied to fix externally, internally or between jambs and can bunch to one or both sides of the opening.
All our products are manufactured to a very high specification. However, planned maintenance can ensure trouble free operation.
Our Service Department can advise on a suitable maintenance agreement.